The Class Method

How to De-Stress the Body in 10 Minutes


This move alternates the direction of the arms during jumping jacks. On the initial jump, your arms go up toward the ceiling (as in a traditional jumping jack) and on the next jump, arms are thrown forward in front of your body. Introduce sound as the arms go forward on the exhale. This Jack & Clear™ will not only get your heart rate up and bring energy to the surface, but the thrust of the arms and sound offers an emotional release.

How to do it:

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.

  • Begin by shaking and bouncing the body to get energy moving for two minutes. 

  • On the beat, begin your traditional jumping jacks. Then, after 30 seconds begin to add the Clear as you alternate your arms from the top of your jack to in front of your body on the exhale. 

  • Start by using your breath on the exhale, and then add the “huh” sound. 

  • Jack & Clearfor 60 seconds.

  • Return to hopping and shaking for 60 seconds, then repeat the pattern for the length of the song.

  • Recommended Song: Personal Jesus (Alex Metric Remix Edit) by Depeche Mode


This move is used to create a deep emotional release. It can come from a low pulsing squat or hopping, shaking, or tapping. Run your legs to activate the heart rate and bring energy to the surface, then exhale and use sound to create an energetic release.  

How to do it: 

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and begin hopping and shaking for two minutes to get the body moving. 

  • Take a low squat with your hips straight back, chest up and an elongated spine. 

  • Rub your hands together and pulse the legs on the beat for 60 seconds. 

  • Draw up the tension, energy, thoughts, and feelings that you choose to release. 

  • Take a deep breath in, and on the exhale begin to run your legs as fast as possible as you take in the vibration of sound. 

  • Release the sound from your belly as loud and long as feels good to you.

  • Keep the legs running and repeat the breathing cycle of inhaling followed by sound on the exhale for 3 rounds.

  • Return to hopping and shaking the body for 60 seconds, then alternate with Run & SoundTM for 30 seconds for the length of the song.

  • Recommended Song: Free Tibet (Vini Vici Remix) by Hilight Tribe

At The Class, we believe the body has an innate ability to release stress and clear tension. Our methods, so much more than just fitness, help release stored energy and process repressed emotions. There are a few key moves that we practice to open up the body; we hope you'll try them at home in this sequence. 

The Class Method

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